
Teaching Fellow / Teaching Assistant

The Challenge of Human Induced Climate Change: Transitioning to a Post Fossil Fuel Future (GENED1137)

Undergraduate and Graduate course, Harvard University, General Education, 2023

I was one of the Teaching Follows (TF) working with Prof. Michael McElroy on this course. This course provide students with an understanding of relevant physical, technical and social factors of human induced climate change.

Hydrology (EPS/ESE162)

Undergraduate course, Harvard University, Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences, 2020

I was one of the Teaching Follows (TF) working with Prof. Kaighin McColl on this course. This course provides an introduction to the global hydrologic cycle and relevant terrestrial and atmospheric processes.

China’s Energy and Environmental Challenges (12730070)

Undergraduate and graduate course, Peking University, College of Environmental Sciences and Engineering, 2016

I was the Teaching Assiatant (TA) working with Prof. Qi Chen on this course. As one in “On China Series: English-Instructed Courses”, this course introduces particularly China’s situation and its energy-related environmental challenges.

Guest Lecturer

State-of-the-Art Harvard Climate Observatory and Associated Instrumentation (ESE/EPS166)

Undergraduate course, Harvard University, Spring 2024

Atmospheric Science – An Introductory Survey (SEE3201)

Undergraduate course, City University of Hong Kong, Spring 2024

Energy, Climate Change and Sustainable Development in China (PUM 6306)

Undergraduate course, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Spring 2023